
At our all of our properties, sustainability is a core value that drives our business practices. We are committed to taking care of the environment, our guests, and the communities in which we operate. As the hospitality industry recovers from the pandemic, we believe that it is our responsibility to lead the way in creating sustainable and resilient practices that will ensure the long-term health and vitality of our planet.

Our approach to sustainability is holistic, encompassing everything from energy efficiency and water conservation to responsible sourcing and community engagement. We have implemented a range of initiatives across all our properties, aimed at reducing our carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and promoting sustainable practices.


OUR Achievements

One of our most significant achievements has been in reducing our energy consumption. We have installed energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems in all our properties, reducing energy consumption by up to 30% and saving thousands of dollars in utility costs. We have also invested in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, which have helped us reduce our carbon emissions and decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.


Water conservation

Water conservation is another critical area of focus for us. We have implemented several initiatives to reduce water consumption, such as installing low-flow faucets and showerheads, and using drought-resistant landscaping. These efforts have not only reduced our environmental impact but have also saved us tens of thousands of baht in water bills.


Responsible sourcing is also a key part of our sustainability strategy. We work with local suppliers to source products and services, reducing transportation emissions and supporting local communities. We also prioritize eco-friendly products and materials, such as biodegradable cleaning products and sustainable building materials, wherever possible.

Siamese & Kew Green

Community engagement

Community engagement is another critical component of our sustainability efforts. We work with local organizations to support environmental and social causes, such as beach cleanups and educational programs for underprivileged children. By engaging with our communities, we can create lasting change and promote sustainable practices beyond our own properties.


In conclusion, sustainability is an essential aspect of our business at Siamese and Kew Green Company Limited. By taking a holistic approach to sustainability, we are creating a more resilient and sustainable future for ourselves, our guests, and the communities we serve. As we continue to recover from the pandemic, we are committed to maintaining our sustainability efforts and leading the way in creating a more sustainable and responsible hospitality industry.